We Help Moms Energize Their Way to Permanent Weight Loss

We Help Moms Energize Their Way to Permanent Weight Loss

Let Coach Jonathan tell you how... 👇

Let Coach Jonathan tell you how... 👇

Real Moms, Real Results


You don’t have time for another fad and you want sustainable results. ⏰ 📉


You don’t have time for another fad and you want sustainable results. ⏰ 📉


How it works

Apply for Coaching

After completing your application, you'll hop on a coaching call to help identify what's been holding you back and how we can help you reach your goals. We accept a limited number of new clients. Click Apply Now to get started.

Your Support System

Working 1-on-1 with Coach Jonathan and being part of an amazing community of Moms means that you'll have the accountability and support you need to be successful.

Your Energy Comes First!

Everything we do is based on 'Energy Maintenance.' Simply put, if we make your energy the top priority, the weight loss will become a million times easier. Oh, and you'll feel great!

Gradual Progress is Key

Many Moms have failed because they get overwhelmed by an 'all or nothing' approach to weight loss. Our program is built on a step-by-step system which ensures you have a reasonable simple, and sustainable plan that works around your busy life.

Your Last Program Ever

You may have tried everything, you haven't tried this. Our coaching is a short term investment for lifelong success. We're so confident our coaching program is like NO OTHER, that we offer a risk-free money-back guarantee (Which no one has taken us up on 😉)


How it works

Apply for Coaching

After completing your application, you'll hop on a coaching call to help identify what's been holding you back and how we can help you reach your goals. We accept a limited number of new clients. Click Apply Now to get started.

Your Support System

Working 1-on-1 with Coach Jonathan and being part of an amazing community of Moms means that you'll have the accountability and support you need to be successful.

Your Energy Comes First!

Everything we do is based on 'Energy Maintenance.' Simply put, if we make your energy the top priority, the weight loss will become a million times easier. Oh, and you'll feel great!

Gradual Progress is Key

Many Moms have failed because they get overwhelmed by an 'all or nothing' approach to weight loss. Our program is built on a step-by-step system which ensures you have a reasonable simple, and sustainable plan that works around your busy life.

Your Last Program Ever

You may have tried everything, you haven't tried this. Our coaching is a short term investment for lifelong success. We're so confident our coaching program is like NO OTHER, that we offer a risk-free money-back guarantee (Which no one has taken us up on 😉)

Why invest?🔥

Get ready to change your life with 1:1 personalised fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching.

Real women, real results

Real Moms, Real Results

We are passionate about helping Moms change their lives. 🙌

Our mission is to  show you the sustainable way to achieve results.


in our client's health, fitness and wellbeing is what we are here to help every client create


delivered by professionally qualified coaches and evidence-based practices


is the path to success as our clients and coaches listen and feel heard


take time, patience. We are committed to getting the best out of people

Empathy & Compassion

Empathetic and compassionate client-centred coaching is our key focus


is the foundation that every great coaching relationship is formed on


What You Get ✅

Coaching with The Fit Parent Formula is a short-term investment into your long-term future.

Here’s what you can expect…


What You Get ✅

Coaching with The Fit Parent Formula is a short-term investment into your long-term future.

Here’s what you can expect…

1-1 Access to Your Personal Coach

Regular Team Meetings

Custom Training Plans

Weekly Check-ins with Your Coach

Private Members Community

TONS of Helpful Resources

Access to Our App

Sustainable Results!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Fit Parent Formula?

The Fit Parent Formula coaching program is our 1-on-1 online fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching program designed to help Moms like you lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life.

Your coach will guide you through our proven system to reach your goals and develop the skills, knowledge, and habits that will keep you healthy for the rest of your life.

You’ll graduate understanding how to eat and exercise for the body you want, within the realities of your unique lifestyle.

You’ll have endless energy, find freedom with your food, cultivate a growth mindset, and develop your self-confidence!

How does my coach know what I'm doing since everything is online?

Your Fit Parent Formula App is the hub for you to log your workouts, food intake, progress measurements, and habit completion.

Don’t worry, the app is very user-friendly and we walk you through how to use it step-by-step. You can even connect your favorite wearable such as an Apple Watch or Fitbit.

Keeping your app up to date will allow your coach to see your progress and see how you’re getting on with the program day to day.

Tracking what you're doing gives your coach the ability to see a full picture of your progress, diagnose any potential issues, and adjust your plan accordingly before any problems arise.

What makes you different to other weight loss plans?

First, this is not a plan or challenge.

This is coaching.

You and your coach will develop an honest and open two-way relationship which will allow them to help you develop a powerful mix of fitness, nutrition, and mindset knowledge and tools.

We keep you accountable, educate you on the best strategies for you and your life, and challenge the way you think – in a really powerful way!

We know that to achieve sustainable weight loss, your plan must fit around your busy life and our personalized approach allows us to do just that.

While your coach will always push you to reach your potential, it's done in a way that ensures you won't feel overwhelmed.

In addition to your 1:1 connection with your coach, we’ll also invite you to the Fit Parent Formula community of like-minded women who will cheer you on to achieve your goals.

Imagine us as your life and health coaches in your pocket!

What do you get when you join The Fit Parent Formula Team?

  • Initial in-depth Zoom call with your coach to establish goals, what's been holding you back, action steps to move you forward, and your deeper meaningful reasons for wanting these results
  • Kick-Off Call with your coach on Zoom to walk through what to expect during your first week in the program, how the app works, and how to get support when you need it.
  • Text, video and voice messaging with your coach throughout the week – this is done via Facebook Messenger
  • Weekly check-ins with your coach to keep you accountable and make appropriate tweaks to your plans
  • A fitness plan personalized to your abilities and goals – for gym or home, regularly refreshed to keep you challenged and keep your results coming!
  • Access to TONS of helpful resources including our cookbooks, recipe resources, and nutrition and training guides which give you the knowledge you need to succeed.
  • Your own profile on the FPF app where you will track your custom designed workouts, habits, progress and receive program updates
  • Regular feedback on your exercise technique for better results and injury prevention
  • Community support and accountability inside the amazing Fit Parent Formula Community
  • Group coaching sessions on a variety of topics to ensure you develop the knowledge to change your habits for life.

How will I communicate with my coach?

You have direct access to your coach throughout your journey.

We communicate through Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and our Private Facebook Community.

Beyond your regularly scheduled Zoom check-ins, Team Meetings, group check-ins, it’s really easy to connect with your coach.

They are very responsive and will usually get back to you within a few hours at the latest.

How long is the program?

Your initial commitment is 12 Weeks. The focus during this time is to build a foundation of new, healthy habits and get rid of the ones that no longer serve you or support your goals.

After this initial period, we will meet to discuss your results and future  goals.

You may decide that you' got everything you needed in the first 12 Weeks, which is great.

But many of the women we work with, decide to work with us on a long-term basis, well beyond the first few months.

Is there an age restriction?

Yes, we only work with women who are 30+

We work with many new Moms in their mid-30s, but we also coach many Grandmas who are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.

I have a health condition, can you still coach me?

Absolutely. Provided you have a doctor’s sign off we can work with your care team to ensure your plan is appropriate for your condition.

We have extensive experience working with women who have Type 2 diabetes, Hypothyroidism, PCOS and more.

Do you need a gym membership?

Not at all!

We develop training plans that are suitable for your lifestyle, experience level, and equipment available to you.

Whether that be a gym, at home, or a hotel room while traveling – you name it, we can accommodate any situation.

In fact, many of our Moms have never stepped foot in a gym, but have still managed to achieve incredible results.

How much time will I need to dedicate to exercise?

Way less than you probably think.

Most of our Moms are exercising somewhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours per week.

(that's less than 2% of your entire week 🙂)

Many of these ladies do go to a gym, but most do their workouts at home.

Yes, we want you moving more, but it's important to find a balance that helps support healthy energy levels.

Additionally, all workouts are under one hour long.

We don't believe that you should be living in the gym, even if you enjoy it.

Our goal is to show you that less is more when it comes to exercise.

Do you provide meal plans?

We believe that long-term weight-loss success is achieved when you gain the knowledge and skills around how to fuel your individual body.

But you also need to be able to enjoy life!

Here's the truth (which you may have already discovered)...

Meal plans don't work.

They sound good in theory - someone tells you exactly what to eat and when to do it.

The problem?

Date nights, family celebrations, and holiday meals don’t fit into strict meal plans and they make you feel like you're always going on and off of your plan.

This is why we don’t provide meal plans.

Instead, we teach you the nutrition principles behind our Flexible Food Blueprint.

Your coach will help you learn:

  • What your body needs to feel energized
  • What your body needs to burn fat and lose weight
  • How to create your own plan based on the foods you enjoy
  • How to incorporate Social Outing Strategies and still get results

To help you along the way, we do offer plenty of recipe ideas and simple strategies for planning ahead.

By taking this approach, you are continuously educating yourself instead of relying on someone else's idea of what you should be eating.

This gives you the knowledge and confidence you need to achieve Food Freedom and lose weight for the rest of your life!

Do you cater for dietary requirements?

Absolutely, because this is not a cookie-cutter plan we can cater for pretty much every dietary requirement or preference. Vegans, veggies, coeliacs have all achieved great results with our Body Smart Method!


Do you coach pregnant or breastfeeding women?

Yes!! Many of our coaches are pre and post-natal certified so you’re in great hands to have the healthiest pregnancy possible and get strong and lean afterwards.

Please note, we will only work on weight loss during pregnancy with specific medical direction recommending this course of action.

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